Coochiemudlo Island Coastcare Inc.

Aerial view of Norkfolk Beach on Coochiemudlo Island that shows the teal blue sea and green tree tops of Emerald Fringe and Melaleuca Wetlands.

Caring for our island

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Coochiemudlo Island Coastcare volunteers

We’re local volunteers

We’re a group of local volunteers on Coochiemudlo Island working together to preserve our unique natural environment and diverse ecosystems for future generations.

Working for the environment: our projects

Our projects include our Ramsar Wetlands, Shoreline Erosion, Protecting Wildlife and Marine Pollution. We work with all levels of government, Quandamooka Traditional Owners, and other agencies to protect and enhance our island home.

Become a Coastcare member

Everyone has a role to play. Coastcare members contribute to our environment in a number of ways.


Save the dates of our monthly Dunecare sessions, special events and our AGM. We’d love to see you there.
