Managing Coochiemudlo Island’s shoreline
Dinghy/kayak racks to be removed

The popularity of island beaches for recreational use has been highlighted in recent weeks as locals and visitors vie for a slice of this prize environment amid increased visitation.
The pending removal of dinghy racks by Redland City Council and impoundment of any vessel left on island foreshores after today has caused concern. See the article on the RCC website about the removal of the racks.
Although meant for dinghy/tender storage when first installed in 2018, the racks were taken over by kayaks and the surrounding foreshore became littered with a multitude of used and derelict craft, trailers and other equipment.
Council has advised the racks aren’t fit for purpose for kayaks.
Coastcare strongly advocated for dinghy racks in 2016 as they’d been recommended in the Coochiemudlo Island Land Management Plan 2004 which details a practical action plan for conserving the values of Reserve land.
Although the it needed updating to include recommendations from the Cultural Heritage Management, draft Shoreline Erosion Management Plan and Heritage listing of the Emerald Fringe, the 2004 Plan was quietly removed from the Council corporate register in July 2021.
Meanwhile, on Flinders Beach, the Outrigger Canoe group who’d been operating on a verbal agreement with Council for 15-years was also told to pack-up. We understand they’ve requested a permit to occupy for one vessel and are awaiting a formal response.
Coastcare supports the outrigger continued presence as this conservation foreshore is our biggest workzone and many Outrigger members are also Coastcarers who undertake regular volunteer environmental works, weeding and planting on Coochiemudlo Island.
Coastcare’s Outrigger members at work
Perhaps the answer for increased kayak storage could lie in a system that was born out of similar need in Sydney.
The scheme, offering participants a kayak-share facility, seems to be working well. See more about the Kayak Share Club.